Pokon's Roots

Everyone knows Pokon, and that’s not surprising because Pokon has been around since 1929. The green bottle with the yellow cap has been a staple in many households for years. In 1929, Herman Pieter Bendien developed the first Pokon formula alongside Rijkstuinbouw consultant Ir. Bloemsma. The name Pokon is directly related to this formula, representing the chemical composition P₂O₅ - K₂O - N₂, also known as phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and nitrogen (N). Over the years, Pokon has expanded significantly, offering a wide range of products like grass seed and potting soil. As dedicated plant enthusiasts, we have continued to innovate, with our roots now spreading far beyond the Netherlands.

Product Development

Pokon initially launched as a powdered product, which became an instant success. Many other companies tried to replicate Pokon's achievements, but bold advertising campaigns helped Pokon stay ahead of the competition. To maintain our leadership, we continue to invest in research and product development. Effectiveness and convenience remain our guiding principles.

Pokon Nutrition

Pokon offers various types of plant nutrition, each tailored to the specific needs of garden plants, house plants, lawns, and vegetable gardens. Proper nutrition helps plants grow and bloom more beautifully, while also increasing their resistance to diseases.

Pokon Potting Soil - RHP Certified

Potting soil is essential for any plant. With the right high-quality soil, nutrients and water are absorbed more efficiently, ensuring long-lasting plant health. Pokon also provides grass seeds, soil improvers, and ground covers—everything your lawn, garden, or houseplant needs for optimal growth and flowering.

The Company: Pokon Naturado

Pokon is the consumer brand of Pokon Naturado, based in Veenendaal. In 2008, Pokon separated from Pokon Chrysal in Naarden and merged with Naturado. Pokon Naturado is now the market leader in potting soil, fertilizers, crop protection, pesticides, and grass seed in the Dutch consumer market.


Naturado has been a highly respected brand for years, known for its potting soil, ground cover, grass seed, and fertilizers. With over 25 years of experience, Naturado has developed high-quality products for gardens, ensuring healthy plants and flowers. If you have any questions or comments about Naturado products, feel free to contact us.


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